We’ve all had to deal with the challenge of uninvited mould making its way into our homes and onto our clothing.
Luckily our super hero plant has some tricks up its leaves! Hemp or hemp fabric possesses antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Hemp has a unique composition of phytochemicals that resist bacteria and fungi – the kick-starters of toxic mould.
As well as mould being decidedly bad in general, the health reactions can be quite severe including asthma or hay fever like symptoms, red and itchy eyes, sinus and skin irritations.
If this sounds like you, hemp clothing and bedding would go a long way in reducing your exposure to harmful mould and bacteria.
Hemp is one of only a few natural fibres which is naturally antimicrobial. This coupled with its excellent water wicking ability, makes it a perfect fabric choice when it comes to combating allergy causing bacteria and mould.
There’s something else that really helps the fight against bacteria – the hollow structure of the hemp fibre gives it thermoregulation properties which are second to none. It means the fabric breathes super well, which means we don’t overheat, we sweat less, there’s less moisture and importantly less bacteria.
Whether you’re living, working or travelling in warm, humid climates, choosing hemp fabrics is smart. No more mouldy clothing, and far less bacteria.
Good for us, and the planet! Some synthetic materials, like nylon are antimicrobial, but unfortunately are a form of plastic. Synthetic clothing makes up approx 60% of all the clothing manufactured worldwide. The micro-fibres spilling from this abundance of plastic, ends up in our oceans with catastrophic results.
Choosing sustainable fibres is essential for a healthy future!
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