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Take a read through our diverse range of articles relating to all things Hemp and Cannabis.
Are you a grower? Have you ever even tried? I know I've kept the seeds in the bottom of a satty to throw in the ground and see what happened. We're really interested, and so is the Global Cannabis Cultivation Research Consortium (GCCRC). Back in 2012, the GCCRC did a survey about Domestic … [Read more...]
What is so great about Hemp fibres and fabrics? Why would you choose to put your purchase power behind Hemp clothing and homewares? Let's face it. Hemp has become a buzzword in a lot of Green/Sustainable fashion brands now...organic cotton is so early 2000's!!! Seriously … [Read more...]
Our Bodies Biggest Organ. What we feed our skin is so important to health & healing. Here at Hemp Store Australia, we’re all about our stories and how we connect with health, family and sustainability to taking care of each other and the earth. In the journey to … [Read more...]
We're so excited to hit the Hemp and Cannabis Expo in Adelaide this year! It was strange not getting out much in 2020! Usually, there are a few expos a year that we'll pack the Hemp Trailer up for and take a road trip. We're pumped to get back into the swing of things with the Hemp and Cannabis … [Read more...]
As we face the challenges of living with Covid 19, our commitment is to the well-being and safety of our customers, our staff and the general public. We have decided to temporarily close our Bellingen store until further notice. Our Woy Woy store will resume normal trading hours from Monday … [Read more...]
2700 Litres of water to make 1 kilo of cotton..? Large parts of the world are experiencing the same conditions as our own Murray Darling Basin. Fresh water supplies are dwindling, soil salinity is increasing and cotton production is a front runner in speeding that process along. Also, cotton … [Read more...]
Hemp seeds are hailed by many as a super food, but why..? Hemp seeds are a complete source of protein as they provide all twenty known amino acids, and the nine essential amino acids, which our bodies can't produce and must be found through diet. Eating hemp seeds does not get you high. Amino … [Read more...]
Hemp paper is quite a popular material these days; promoted as the eco-friendlier alternative to paper made from trees, more and more people are making the switch to it — that would be their bit to help ailing Mother Nature. But aside from that, hemp paper has always been a star product – long … [Read more...]
If you have made going to the gym one of your resolutions for 2014, perhaps to bulk up, lose some weight or simply to look better, it is crucial to know that the body you are looking to achieve is made both in the gym and the kitchen — or, if you really want to be technical, also in bed, as … [Read more...]
Hemp milk or hemp beverage is one of the many beneficial products derived from the industrial plant. Consumers can make their own hemp beverage by blending water and shelled hemp seeds until the concoction reaches the consistency of skimmed milk. Alternatively, there are ready-to-drink products … [Read more...]
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