We've said it before - pets make up a huge portion of our customer base. We've answered many a question about anxious cats, or seen dogs visit us looking for an answer to painful skin or joints, only to see them a few weeks later looking 5 years younger. Hemp Seed Oil - A Nutritional Powerhouse We … [Read more...]
Cultivating Wellness: The Preventative Power of Hemp in Everyday Living
With World Cancer Day around the corner, we've been reflecting on the power of a healthy lifestyle when it comes to the prevention of disease. At the end of the day we're human, and disease can feel like a game of Russian Roulette...no matter what we do, sickness can still happen. So we look at … [Read more...]
FUNG-IMMUNITY: Why we pick Mushrooms for Immune Health
We’ve just replenished our shelves with all our favourite fungi, and the new display has sparked a lot of questions in our Woy Woy store. Two in particular. The first one has a simple answer: No, they will not get you high. The answer to the second question, “how do they work?”, is more complex. … [Read more...]
My Best Buds for Winter
I wasn’t expecting Winter this year. Cold lingered through autumn so gently here in Woy Woy, then all of a sudden the temperature dropped. It wasn’t until 2 weeks into June I realised my body was begging me for some supplements and support. I’ve worked at the Hemp Store for 3 ½ years now, and … [Read more...]
The Difference Between: Hemp Oil and Hemp Seed Oil
"Hemp oil...the one for pain?" We hear this sentence nearly everyday. Hemp has gained a lot of popularity and place in our lives - in our food, pet, clothing and skincare products. But there are two hemp products that still generate some confusion. Hemp Oil and Hemp Seed Oil While both these … [Read more...]
We need to talk about Terpenes
You've probably seen all the different terpenes rolling onto our digital shelves. At first is was Cannanda back in 2020, and now we have several Australian brands making terpene blends for humans and animals. They can be eaten, used as aromatherapy and rubbed on skin...but just what exactly are they … [Read more...]
Immunity – How hemp can help us and our pets.
Boosting our immunity system and maintaining a level of robust wellness is more important today than ever before. We are becoming more resistant to antibiotics and words like flu and virus have taken on a new meaning. The immune system is highly sensitive to oxidative stress and cannabis is … [Read more...]
How To Do Everything with Dr Bronner’s Pure Liquid Castile Soap
We know all about Dr Bronner's, right? All natural, fair trade, safe for the family, 18-in-1 uses...well, more than 18. Some of those uses are simple! Bung a few drops in with this, a squirt in that and you're good to go with your eco-friendly dishwashing-laundry-multipurpose-dog wash! But some … [Read more...]
Make 2022 A More Sustainable You
Make 2022 a More Sustainable You With our Top 5 Sustainable Products to Take Up in the New Year (plus a bonus special for you) The new year is nearly here! Yahoo! As arbitrary as it might be, there's always an energy that comes about in the new year. A renewal, a refresh, and the time we make our … [Read more...]
Outside In: Why Hemp is So Good for Skin + A Look at Blackwood Hemp Farm & Skincare
Our Bodies Biggest Organ. What we feed our skin is so important to health & healing. Here at Hemp Store Australia, we’re all about our stories and how we connect with health, family and sustainability to taking care of each other and the earth. In the journey to … [Read more...]
What Skin Benefits Can You Get From Quality Hemp Oil?
While many people would commonly use lotions and body oils produced by popular commercial brands to get the skin care benefits they need, a growing population is learning about an equally beneficial alternative: hemp seed oil. Pressed from whole hemp seeds (produced by the Cannabis sativa plant), … [Read more...]
Get a Vitamin Boost Using The Power Of Hemp
While people regularly boast of the power of pumpkin and poppy seeds to increase vitamin levels and improve health and vitality, not many of them also include the mighty hemp seed in their calculations. Health food fanatics have long known about the benefits of this tiny seed, but there is a strong … [Read more...]
The Benefits of Hemp Oil
In the last several decades hemp has had a negative connotation in the minds of the public due to its association with marijuana. The two are not the same, although they share the same genus of plant. Hemp does not contain THC, so if someone tried to smoke or otherwise consume it in an attempt to … [Read more...]